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October 17th 2022

2022 Winners - Shroot

|Success Stories|

Company Name: Shroot

Name:  Carolyn Davies

Winning Product (s): Greens & Greetings

Can you tell me a bit about your business and the inspiration behind your products? Shroot is an award-winning business based in South Wales, founded and run by Jude and Carolyn. We're dedicated to creating innovative gifts that are sustainable, ethical, natural, and meaningful.

Inspired by lockdown and months on end of not being able to meet friends and family, we created and launched Greens & Greetings. Growing microgreens became a lockdown hobby for Jude. They were so quick and easy to grow, and tasty too. She wanted a find a way to share her hobby with friends - and Greens & Greetings are the result.

They're greeting cards that contain everything needed to grow microgreens - including the pot.

Following the success of their Greens & Greetings, we launched another eco-friendly product; Wildflower Wishes. They are unique gift sets which include wildflower seed papers. You write your wishes on the papers, plant them, then watch your wishes grow into beautiful bee-friendly flowers.

In what ways has winning Gift of the Year affected your business? As a new business selling new products, winning Gift of the Year has provided a fantastic endorsement. I think it helps retail and trade customers to make purchasing decisions, as being Gift of the Year is a fantastic recommendation.

Would you recommend a business to enter the GOTY awards and why? Yes. We proudly displayed our winner's trophy at the Harrogate Home & Gift Show recently, and used the logo on marketing material. Because the awards are judged by experts in the industry, buyers are pleased to stock winning products.

Would you be able to provide us with a brief testimonial about the awards and why it's important for businesses to enter? Entering Gift of the Year Awards offers fantastic marketing opportunities. We were delighted to share with our customers that we were shortlisted, then finalists, and then Winners!
Being able to display the winners logo on our website and marketing material has directly resulted in contacts and sales from buyers.


To find out more about Shroot Visit their website here -


October 17th 2022

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